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Intelligent Non-combustible Core Panel

ULTRACORE IQ intelligent core panel is deemed-to-satisfy non-combustible when tested to AS 1530.1 and AS 1530.3 as per the requirements of the NCC 2022, Clause C2D10(6)(g) and installed using the mechanical cassette-fix system as per Clause C2D15(1). It has also been tested by Exova Warringtonfire to BS 8414 and AS 5113 full-scale testing to prove it does not contribute to the spread of fire. Visually, ULTRACORE IQ non-combustible core panel looks the same as traditional aluminium panel but with zero combustible core content (0%) meaning it achieves the lowest risk rating, category D, from the Insurance Council of Australia.

Proven V-groove Durability

Unlike 3mm SOLID aluminium, ULTRACORE IQ has 40 years of proven durability when using the common v-groove folding system. This is because the front skin is not impacted when v-grooving, as has always been intended.

AS 1530.1 Non-combustible

ULTRACORE IQ is one of the few aluminium panels globally that is deemed-to-satisfy non-combustible when tested to AS 1530.1 and AS 1530.3 in accordance with the NCC 2022 Clause C2D10(6)(g) requirements.

AS 5113 Fire Testing

ULTRACORE IQ is deemed-to-satisfy non-combustible so does not require further fire testing however it has been tested to AS 5113 full-scale testing by Exova Warrintonfire to prove it does not contribute to the spread of fire.

Zero Polyethylene Core (0%)

Unlike most other aluminium panel products including FR, Plus, A2 and NC type panels, the ULTRACORE IQ aluminium core contains ZERO percent flammable polyethylene (0%) and each lamina is 100% non-combustible.

Less Thermal Conductivity

ULTRACORE IQ aluminium core panel has a thermal conductivity of 2.54 W/mK compared to 205 W/mk for a SOLID aluminium panel. This means 80 x slower rate of heat transfer for greater fire safety and section J compliance.

Mechanical Cassette-Fixing

Compared to a SOLID aluminium panel, ULTRACORE IQ is faster and easier to fabricate using the well-proven z-angle cassette-fix system making it more cost effective and compliant with C2D15(1).

Oil-canning Resistance

Oil-canning is the uneven distribution of tension in SOLID aluminium panels which results in a rippling effect on the facade. The superior mechanical properties of ULTRACORE IQ guarantees against oil-canning.

Less Carbon, Less Weight

ULTRACORE IQ intelligent core panel is 100% recyclable and uses 50% less aluminium per m2 than 3mm SOLID aluminium for much less carbon footprint. It is also 50% lighter for significant structural and labour savings.



Product Range

Metallic Colours
Solid Colours
Anodised Colours**
Imitation Colours
Chromatic Colours
ULTRACORE Anodised ULTRACORE Anodised 3 ULTRACORE Chromatic 2




Sheet Sizes

Lead Time


ULTRACORE IQ Metallic Stock Colours UC9701, UC9205, UC9134, UC9137, UC9308, UC4150, UC5292, UC9809


2500, 3200, 4000 x 1500mm


1 Sheet

ULTRACORE IQ Solid Stock Colours UC1005, UC1025, UC9902, UC1255, UC1270, UC9130, UC1590, UC1460, UC1140, UC1190, UC1677

2500, 3200, 4000 x 1500mm Stock 1 Sheet

ULTRACORE IQ Non-stock, BCG & Custom Colours

2500, 3200, 4000 x 1250mm

2500, 3200, 4000 x 1500mm

10-12 Weeks


ULTRACORE IQ Anodised Colours**

2500, 3200, 4000 x 1250mm

2500, 3200, 4000 x 1500mm

16-19 Weeks


ULTRACORE IQ Timber Imitations, Metal Imitations, Chromatic Colours

Information on Request



(*) Minimum order is 300m2 per width (1250mm or 1500mm) (**) Coil-anodised aluminium can be bent and folded due to its flexible anodic layer. Some crazing and minute cracking of the finish may occur and is to be expected. This will be aesthetic only and will not compromise the durability of the product or alter its resistance to filiform corrosion.



Z-angle Extrusions
RHS Stiffener
12mm Stiffener Tape
Industry Cleaner
Adhesion Promoter




Lead Time


UZLB58 ULTRAFIX 24mm Long Z-angle (Powdercoated Black), 5.8m Length Stock 20 Lengths
UZSM58 ULTRAFIX 22mm Short Z-angle (Mill Finish), 5.8m Length Stock 20 Lengths
US4020358 ULTRAFIX 40 x 20 x 3mm RHS Stiffener (Mill Finish), 5.8m Length Stock 1 Length
TT704412 TESA 7044 ACXplus 12mm Stiffener Tape, 25m Roll Stock 1 Roll
TT60040 TESA Industry Cleaner, 500ml Can Stock 1 Can
TT60150 TESA Adhesion Promoter, 100ml Can Stock 1 Can



System Components

Facade System
AS 1530.1 Insulation
Class 4 Membrane
Steel Top-hats
Joint Sealant


Colour Chart

UC9701 Sterling Silver Metallic
UC9701 Sterling Silver Metallic
UC9205 Champagne
UC9205 Champagne
UC9134 Smoke Silver Metallic
UC9134 Smoke Silver Metallic
UC9137 Dark Grey Metallic
UC9137 Dark Grey Metallic
UC9308 Bronze Metallic
UC9308 Bronze Metallic
UC4344 Medium Bronze
UC4344 Medium Bronze
UC4370 Satin Brown Metallic
UC4370 Satin Brown Metallic
UC5292 Obsidian Metallic
UC5292 Obsidian Metallic
UC4150 Gold Metallic
UC4150 Gold Metallic
UC9809 Copper Metallic
UC9809 Copper Metallic
UC2510 Terracotta
UC2510 Terracotta
UC4190 Tangerine
UC4190 Tangerine
UC4420 Blue Grey Metallic
UC4420 Blue Grey Metallic
UC9031 Jade Metallic
UC9031 Jade Metallic
UC1005 Arctic White
UC1005 Arctic White
UC1025 Arctic Gloss
UC1025 Arctic Gloss
UC9902 Clean White
UC9902 Clean White
UC1255 Volcanic Grey
UC1255 Volcanic Grey
UC1270 Hunter Grey
UC1270 Hunter Grey
UC9130 Carbon Black
UC9130 Carbon Black
UC1590 Global Green
UC1590 Global Green
UC1460 Royal Blue
UC1460 Royal Blue
UC1140 Atomic Yellow
UC1140 Atomic Yellow
UC1190 Pilbara Orange
UC1190 Pilbara Orange
UC1677 Centurion Red
UC1677 Centurion Red
UCA063 Flinders Chase
UCA063 Flinders Chase
UCA162 Pebbly Beach
UCA162 Pebbly Beach
UCA630 Fairy Cove
UCA630 Fairy Cove
UCA118 Apsley River
UCA118 Apsley River
UCA036 Coomera Falls
UCA036 Coomera Falls
UCA133 Misty Creek
UCA133 Misty Creek
UCA181 Red Lily
UCA181 Red Lily
UCA316 Cocoparra
UCA316 Cocoparra
UCA165 Pinnacle
UCA165 Pinnacle
UCA029 Bondi
UCA029 Bondi
UCA015 Joffre
UCA015 Joffre
UCA232 Whitsunday
UCA232 Whitsunday
UCA111 Kosciuszko
UCA111 Kosciuszko
UCA194 Sandy Desert
UCA194 Sandy Desert
UCA916 Springbrook
UCA916 Springbrook
UCA313 Cradle Mountain
UCA313 Cradle Mountain
UCA045 Daintree
UCA045 Daintree
UCA132 Murray Sunset
UCA132 Murray Sunset
UCA139 Mimosa Rocks
UCA139 Mimosa Rocks
UC8345 Mountain Ash
UC8345 Mountain Ash
UC8310 Rustic Pine
UC8310 Rustic Pine
UC8320 Unique Beli
UC8320 Unique Beli
UC8340 Vintage Walnut
UC8340 Vintage Walnut
UC8355 Elegant Teak
UC8355 Elegant Teak
UC8385 Ascot Teak
UC8385 Ascot Teak
UC8650 Noble Bloodwood
UC8650 Noble Bloodwood
UC8395 Polished Rengas
UC8395 Polished Rengas
UC2200 Brushed Silver
UC2200 Brushed Silver
UC5220 Zinc Dark
UC5220 Zinc Dark
UC5260 Zinc Charcoal
UC5260 Zinc Charcoal
UC7090 Golden Snow
UC7090 Golden Snow
UC7430 Purple Sunset
UC7430 Purple Sunset
UC7350 Rustic Bronze
UC7350 Rustic Bronze
UC7290 Galaxy Black
UC7290 Galaxy Black
UC7480 Indigo Violet
UC7480 Indigo Violet
UC7450 Oriental Silk
UC7450 Oriental Silk
UC7490 Tropical Ocean
UC7490 Tropical Ocean
UC7510 Martian Green
UC7510 Martian Green
UC7160 Antique Gold
UC7160 Antique Gold
UC7170 Honey Gold
UC7170 Honey Gold
UC7180 Tiger Orange
UC7180 Tiger Orange
UC7190 Sahara Copper
UC7190 Sahara Copper
UC9016 Traffic White
UC9016 Traffic White
UC9010 Pure White
UC9010 Pure White
UC1013 Oyster White
UC1013 Oyster White
UC1015 Light Ivory
UC1015 Light Ivory
UC1014 Ivory
UC1014 Ivory
UC7044 Silk Grey
UC7044 Silk Grey
UC7030 Stone Grey
UC7030 Stone Grey
UC7005 Mouse Grey
UC7005 Mouse Grey
UC9002 Grey White
UC9002 Grey White
UC7035 Light Grey
UC7035 Light Grey
UC7004 Signal Grey
UC7004 Signal Grey
UC7000 Squirrel Grey
UC7000 Squirrel Grey
UC7011 Iron Grey
UC7011 Iron Grey
UC7016 Anthracite Grey
UC7016 Anthracite Grey
UC7022 Umbra Grey
UC7022 Umbra Grey
UC9005 Jet Black
UC9005 Jet Black
UC6019 Pastel Green
UC6019 Pastel Green
UC6021 Pale Green
UC6021 Pale Green
UC6018 Yellow Green
UC6018 Yellow Green
UC6037 Pure Green
UC6037 Pure Green
UC6029 Mint Green
UC6029 Mint Green
UC6026 Opal Green
UC6026 Opal Green
UC6005 Moss Green
UC6005 Moss Green
UC6003 Olive Green
UC6003 Olive Green
UC5024 Pastel Blue
UC5024 Pastel Blue
UC5023 Distant Blue
UC5023 Distant Blue
UC5015 Sky Blue
UC5015 Sky Blue
UC5021 Water Blue
UC5021 Water Blue
UC5019 Capri Blue
UC5019 Capri Blue
UC5002 Ultramarine Blue
UC5002 Ultramarine Blue
UC5008 Grey Blue
UC5008 Grey Blue
UC5011 Steel Blue
UC5011 Steel Blue
UC1016 Sulfur Yellow
UC1016 Sulfur Yellow
UC1018 Zinc Yellow
UC1018 Zinc Yellow
UC1023 Traffic Yellow
UC1023 Traffic Yellow
UC1037 Sun Yellow
UC1037 Sun Yellow
UC8008 Olive Brown
UC8008 Olive Brown
UC8028 Terra Brown
UC8028 Terra Brown
UC8019 Grey Brown
UC8019 Grey Brown
UC4007 Purple Violet
UC4007 Purple Violet
UC1017 Saffron Yellow
UC1017 Saffron Yellow
UC2003 Pastel Orange
UC2003 Pastel Orange
UC2004 Pure Orange
UC2004 Pure Orange
UC2002 Vermilion
UC2002 Vermilion
UC3020 Traffic Red
UC3020 Traffic Red
UC3001 Signal Red
UC3001 Signal Red
UC3003 Ruby Red
UC3003 Ruby Red
UC3005 Wine Red
UC3005 Wine Red
Unlimited Custom Colours
Unlimited Custom Colours



Customer Support

For same-day design assistance and technical support please contact our sales team directly on the below contact details. All our sales team and technical staff are locally based here in each timezone of Australia (AU) so we can provide the best possible service and support for your projects.

You can also request pricing or project-specific quotations using the below contact details. Please note, each of our email addresses is as per the following format and as set out below: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.;

Ben Kennard Daniel Hornsey Ryan Webb Nigel Rowland
P: 1300 945 123 P: 1300 945 123 P: 1300 945 123 P: 1300 945 123
M: 0400 888 333 M: 0429 936 164 M: 0424 755 325 M: 0438 679 076
Email Handle: ben.k@ Email Handle: daniel@ Email Handle: ryan@ Email Handle: nigel@
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